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To the Sundo Yoga members who will be or thinking about attending our first Meetup.

From: Jong L.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 14, 2007, 8:29 AM
Good Morning!

Thank you for your interest in our Sundo Yoga Meetup. This message is for our first meetup on this Friday November 16, 2007.

You may read the introduction under the ?About Us? menu to get some idea of what would it be like. There are some articles under the Messages that I posted which may be helpful to understand more. I will be posting some more articles soon, so please drop by once in a while.

This is what we will do at our first Meetup:

Warming-Up Exercise (20 minutes): You may participate in the warming-up exercise. Most of the postures can be found in usual yoga forms but the sequence and speed may be vary. This exercise is to prepare our body and mind for the main breathing exercise and help the flow of life energy (Ki) in our body.

Main Breathing Practice (40 minutes): The regular members will do their own routine in a very meditative state following their own level of sequential postures. New comers may do their own style of meditation, breathing or relax and just observe the session.

A master will be with the new comers through this session answering any questions. He may show you some introductory breathing for those who interested in Sundo breathing.

Wrapping-Up Exercise (20 minutes): This exercise is to utilize the life energy (Ki) accumulated during the main breathing practice. The exercise helps enhancing the flow of Ki through our body and focusing it again at the energy center ? Danjeon. This exercise also includes the specific postures for the internal organs. The postures and sequence of wrapping-up exercise could be very challenging. You may also follow first some postures and are advised to observe the rest of the exercise of the regular members.

Practice starts at 7:00pm. No food or snacks will be provided. You may have some snack before come to out meetup. We may visit nearby caf? or restaurant for some food and talk to get to know each other. Your suggestion is always welcome.

See you then and have a nice day.

Sundo Meetup

Jong Lee

p.s. This meetup was originally scheduled on December. I apologize for any inconvenience because of this change of schedule. We will be hosting this open meetup at least once a month.

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