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COJUG - 5 Java Tools for Better Testing

Photo of Christopher M. Judd
Hosted By
Christopher M. J.
COJUG - 5 Java Tools for Better Testing



There’s no less than 50 viable tools for developing automated unit, functional, and integration tests in Java. Unfortunately, many of these tools are just a different DSL or syntax for the same crap. We’ve found five tools for testing Java applications that we use across projects to develop automated tests that are quickly executed, extensive, and extremely readable by other developers. This talk will provide some extensive hands on knowledge of how to use
Hamcrest, Mockito, Jmockit, InnerClasses, and Spring.test. Developers will walk away with a smaller, but more powerful toolbox of testing utilities.


Todd Kaufman is a developer, architect, manager, and cheerleader of IT projects large and small. He has over 10 years of experience in software development and has released production software to various clients using Agile, Waterfall, Java, Ruby, .NET, and everything in between. Todd has presented to passionate geeks like himself at a variety of user events and regional conferences, as his huge ego needs to be stoked on a regular basis. Todd is currently feeding his family courtesy of the good people at Pillar Technology.

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