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Reminder TOMORROW-Moncay Visiting Teacher from England "Amoda Maa - Meeting Reality with Ruthless Compassion

From: Cory
Sent on: Sunday, November 30, 2014, 9:22 PM
Visiting Teacher from England "Amoda Maa" Meeting Reality-Ruthless Compassion
  • Monday, December 1, 2014

    7:00 PM

  • Open Secret Bookstore

    923 C St, San Rafael, CA (edit map)

  • Look for the guys with the Aware look on their faces - Temple Room
  • Wonderfull opportunity to meet visiting teacher from England "Amoda Maa" first visit to the USA.  I know she will be as well received as the direct truth and love that she shares.. Love Donations  See flyer below, links to videos and more..

    Click here for video of interview with Amoda Maa in England

    Click here to see interview with Amoda Maa on a panel with Rick Archer

    Amoda Maa is an English teacher of non-duality with a remarkable range of life-experiences that includes living in an active war zone, being homeless, penniless and suicidal, becoming an academic psychologist, leading personal transformation workshops in the 1990s, writing a couple of books, and developing a unique system of Ecstatic Movement—all before a profound transformation in 2002 catapulted her out of a dark night of the soul into the luminosity of awakened presence. In surrendering wholeheartedly to the unfolding unknown-ness and aliveness of this moment, all seeking stopped, and a gentle but unequivocal coming home to rest in unconditioned non-dual awareness became embodied as a living reality.

    "Awakening most often happens in the mind as a recognition of the absolute truth of emptiness in which a separate "me" does not exist. Living this truth is more of a challenge. The adventure begins in the midst of the turbulence of life. As awakening descends from mind to heart to body, we are called into an uncompromising embracement of both the ocean of inner stillness and the waves of phenomenal expression. The capacity of impersonal awareness to be deeply intimate with what is, is a beautiful paradox of nondual awareness. A whole new dimension of spiritual maturity opens up to us when we recognize that absolute and relative are one, as inseparable as the waves from the ocean."

    "We meet in that tender place of naked presence to investigate what is truly here beneath and beyond all stories. I invite you to meet yourself in unwavering acceptance, and for love to meet itself in awakened awareness. I invite you to embrace the fullness of life, to say YES to the totality of our experience, and to meet reality with ruthless compassion. This is the pointer back home to where love truly is. If you are willing to give yourself to this love unconditionally, you will find that which is truly alive and free. In saying YES to the maximum of your capacity in any moment, what unfolds before you offers the potential for deep intimacy. The courage to get right up close to what is turns you inside out so you become a naked lover of life.”

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