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Merry Christmas Mobbers!

From: Lidija M.
Sent on: Sunday, December 23, 2012, 5:04 PM

Dear Sock Mobbers,

Thank you so much for your continued support for our street friends, crazy events and general ethos in 2012!

From regular weekly walks where we've met, fed, warmed and laughed with hundreds of individuals, to comedy nights and party fundraisers, it's been a year to be truly proud of. Our social media presence has also had a massive boost, with lively debates emerging on our facebook and twitter pages and people in other corners of the world inspired to start their own Sock Mobs. And you all help make it happen!

So here's wishing you a fantastically merry Christmas and happy New Year! Keep on 'mobbing...

With love and thanks,

The Sock Mob team