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From: user 8.
Sent on: Thursday, February 12, 2009, 12:20 PM CONTEST is hosting their first giveaway!
With great prizes up for grabs, why not participate?

The Items:

Lash Food
A Ground-Breaking, All Natural Eyelash Conditioning Stimulator for Fuller, Longer and Stronger Lashes.
Move over full lips. Eyelashes are the next beauty must-have for 2009. From the pages of magazines to Hollywood's red carpet, batting full, luxurious lashes is the latest "It" accessory. No matter how many coats of mascara or layers of extensions we apply, it seems like we can never achieve the look without getting the "Tammy Faye Baker" effect. Mascaras and lash extensions are unforgiving on eyelashes, leaving you with dry, brittle, and damaged lashes. LashFood is a new natural conditioning stimulant for thicker, stronger and more beautiful lashes in just 2 to 4 weeks!

$50.00 Gift Certificate to Bruno Jamais Restaurant Club
Bruno Jamais Restaurant Clubbrings the French Riviera to the upper east side. Where else can one dine in style until 3am with delectable cuisine such as chocolate souffl? and Foie Gras? The service and d?cor are equally impressive. The restaurant received the "Best Interior Design" award by Hospitality Design Magazine. There is also live entertainment on Monday nights with the best of jazz and soul.
Bruno Jamais and Chef Hok Chin have created a unique menu that has an Asian influence without losing its French integrity.
If you are looking to see stars, celebrity patrons have included: Billy Baldwin, Joan Rivers, Cindy Adams, Chazz Palminteri and even former President Bill Clinton. Reservations are suggested and chic attire is requested.
Bruno Jamais 24 East 81st Street, New York, NY 10028 *[masked]

Alias Premium Denim "Sweet Dee" Jeans
Recently Recommended by Time Out New York as one of seven great pairs of jeans for under $50, Alias Premium Denim offers a high quality jean featuring chic styling, a fabulous fit, and the perfect price. We were tired of paying exorbitant prices for premium denim and believed that a great quality jean could be offered for much less, hence, Alias Premium Denim was born. Check out our press page to see the fabulous reviews we've been receiving from premium denim lovers across the country. We are thrilled to be able to offer premium denim lovers, a less expensive alternative, while not making them sacrifice style, fit, or quality.

How do you win one of these great prizes?

There will be THREE WINNERS.
1st place gets to choose the item of their choice
2nd place gets to choose too
& 3rd place has the chance to get any of these three wonderful items.

The contest is based on who is able to go to the most sample sales listed through our site and comment them according to their organization, variety/selections, & bargain factor.

Step 1- Go to as many sales as you can (NO PURCHASE NECESSARY)

Step 2- If you are not a registered user on the site, please register in order to be permitted to post comments

Step 3- Write a comment under the sample sale you visited. If you love the sale, tell us about it.
If you hated it tell us why. We want to know the truth and we want our readers to know where the good bargains are.

Step 4- When writing the comment, it does not need to be long, as long as you rate the sale and explain your ratings. Please be honest.

If you have any questions, please email Colette at [address removed]
The last day of the contest is March 6th. No posts will be considered after 2pm March 6th.
Winner will be revealed at our Bargain Connoisseurs Meetup on March 8th.

We will be emailing more info regarding the March 8th Meetup Event

Chances to win prizes everyday!
Check out our new page Sweep, Deals & Sale Promotions!
Great chances to win from your favorite stores & magazine all in one convenient location =)

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