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New Meetup: Thanksgiving with TVS at Cafe Parizade

From: Stephanie H.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 29, 2008, 5:29 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Vegetarian & Vegan Meetup of Raleigh, Durham & Chapel Hill!

What: Thanksgiving with TVS at Cafe Parizade

When: November 27,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: As you may know, the Triangle Vegetarian Society hosts an annual Thanksgiving feast at Cafe Parizade. It is thought to be the country's largest veg Thanksgiving gathering! Many of this group have expressed interest in meeting at the feast as a Meetup group. I think this is a great idea and I am glad to organize it!

If you wish to attend the TVS event, but not meetup with us, of course you can still do that! Details will be available for all at However, please do not RSVP yes here unless you want to sit and meetup with the group. It will get too confusing for my organizing brain otherwise!

RSVP'ing Yes here indicates you want to Meetup with us and eat the meal as a group. But it does not register you with TVS for the event! You will need to go to the above link and register - either online (preferably) or by phone. Registration will begin on November 6th! You will need to prepay for the meal directly to TVS by credit card or check.

I've selected 1:30 as our meeting time as I plan to volunteer at the event first, but the final time is TBD based on the final details of the event - still pending from TVS. RSVP and I'll share info as I get it!

Post any questions as you have them - we're lucky to have an insider in our midst who can help us answer many of them. Thanks, Ken!

~Stephanie H

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