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New Meetup: Last Minute Heads Up! TVS Vegan Brunch

From: Stephanie H.
Sent on: Monday, May 11, 2009, 11:57 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Triangle Vegetarian & Vegan Meetup!

What: Last Minute Heads Up! TVS Vegan Brunch

When: May 17,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Sorry for the last minute info, but this info just became available. As always a Heads Up! is information about an event you may or may not be interested in - not an official meetup.

This is the Triangle Vegetarian Society's latest event. TVS member Joy is hosting a vegan brunch potluck in her home this Sunday. Info on the TVS website is at You do not have to be vegan to attend, but the dish you bring should be. This means no animal stock, eggs, dairy, honey, etc.

~ Stephanie

from the TVS website:
Sunday, May 17 - 12:30-3:30 pm
Potluck brunch (vegan food only, please) (Potluck FAQ)
Joy Anandi's home
15 Copper Hill Ct, Durham
Join us for a Sunday potluck brunch on Joy's lovely deck and inside spaces. Vegan only, please. Copper Hill is almost exactly a mile down Woodcroft Parkway from NC 751 (from I-40 take 751 North, cross NC 54, and turn right at the 2nd light just past Woodcroft Shopping Center).

Learn more here:

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