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Re: [vegan-512] any thoughts on "thanksgiving" day??

From: Beth
Sent on: Wednesday, November 9, 2011, 10:41 AM
Morris County Vegans meetup is having a Thanksgiving celebration event on November 20th at Loving Hut in Ledgewood NJ from 4:00-6:00 p.m.. Everyone from your group is welcome to come. For every 10 people they are raffling off a $10 gift card and they are including beverages with the price of the meal. Here is the flyer for more info.

From: gregory york <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Saturday, November 5,[masked]:29 PM
Subject: [vegan-512] any thoughts on "thanksgiving" day??

i don't know what to do this year. if the same amount of other groups are having events this year, i wonder if we need to? and i have not been happy with the "cuisine" at our previous events. i may go to a potluck earlier in the day, and another event later on in the evening, unless we all just choose another venue.... though i have said in the past, "it is not the food, it's the folks";  last year i went to another event earlier in the day, as well as ours, (a potluck) and afterwards, i really felt we really could do better....and that the "better" food made a surprisingly big difference to me... one thing to consider, veggie heaven is as cheap as it gets for "thanksgiving", else where, it's gonna cost us!! for example, one group last year did a planned meal, with wonderful offerings on menu that had me turning green with jealousy, and set my taste buds planning a mutiny; and it was $50 a person. not horrible, but a bit of a ways beyond the $24 something ours usually costs.... just a thought...

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To learn more about gregory york, visit his/her member profile

Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]

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