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New video: "An Interview with Dr. Will Tuttle - The World Peace Diet"

From: user 6.
Sent on: Friday, October 8, 2010, 11:41 AM
--- From Pamela Davis [address removed]:
We are very pleased to announce the release of our new video, a 50-minute interview with Dr. Will Tuttle, author of the award-winning book ���The World Peace Diet.���

Global warming, starvation, war, devastation of the environment, the ill health of our citizens, and a myriad of other global and social problems ��� you name it ��� the world���s most difficult problems stem from our culture���s mentality of violence toward animals, especially those animals raised for food.

���I really do believe if we look deeply into the whole range of problems we have as a culture, we will find that our violence toward animals for food is actually, I believe, the main core driving force behind our other problems,��� says Dr. Tuttle in the video.

In a nutshell, our essential dilemma is the food we are eating. The violence we routinely consume in our meals boomerangs back to us, and in many fascinating ways. 

Underlying cultural assumptions are challenged, but above all, the film���s positive message shows how each one of us can be empowered, to play a part in creating a world of sustainability and peace, simply by changing the food that is on our plates.

Please click the link to view a 3-minute movie trailer:


Pam Davis
President, Animal Advocate Inc.

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