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vegan bakeries

From: Don M
Sent on: Saturday, December 10, 2011, 3:51 PM

Lea Jacobson is a member of our little group and is a fantastic baker, hands down the best vegan stuff you’ve ever tasted    here’s a link to her facebook page where you can contact her for orders. Lea has been a part of our family Xmas for the past several years and we always look forward to her treats



there are some other  new vegan baking places recently opened as well. I can’t tell you anything about them, having not had any of their stuff but here are some links for you


1.     Maggie Vegan Bakery -

o    Info

(216)[masked] -

o    1830 W 25th St, Cleveland, OH


it’s a better time than ever before, being vegan and seeking baked treats   we are evidently becoming a market force!

Yay for us! Happy holidays and I hope to see you at the meetups!






"May your life (speak) more loudly than your lips."


William Ellery Channing



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