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New Team Member...

From: Don R.
Sent on: Monday, September 16, 2013, 9:18 AM
Hi Meetup Member,

Hope that all is well and that you are planning to attend Earthsave's potluck in Owings Mills this Saturday with dietician Mark Rifkin speaking about the relationship between dairy products and health.

Would you be interested in joining Earthsave's event setup team? We normally meet in Owings Mills on the last Saturday of each month. Our dinner events begin at 6:00 pm. The setup team arrives at 4:45 and sets up the tables and chairs, and we usually have fliers with info on the veg/vegan lifestyle that we fold and stuff into magazines to help spread our important message. The team members are not expected to bring a dish to share or to pay to attend.

We are looking for a new team member whose primary job will be food table setup up and arrangement. As guests arrive, you will find a good spot on the table for their dish and ask them to fill out a card listing the ingredients, if they haven't brought a recipe or ingredients list with them.

We have a real friendly and helpful setup team that includes dietitian Mark Rifkin, myself, Nina Yu, and our greeter Marsha Kravets. Hope you will consider joining us!    

We're also interested in finding another volunteer or two to occasionally make about 20 of the people who have asked for an event reminder by phone. There are still a few people who don't have email. Thanks for considering...

Be well.

Peace... Don Robertson

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