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An Invitation...

From: Don R.
Sent on: Saturday, August 8, 2009, 8:30 AM
Hi Meetup Member,

Thought I would share with you my morning posting for today on Facebook:

"Don Robertson is glad to be alive at such a critical time for humanity, and to be so actively involved in helping folks understand what a powerful difference healthier eating can make in our lives and, at the same time, for all those who share this planet. See"

I really appreciate having the opportunity to meet new people and to stay in touch will friends and relatives. It's so cool to be able to find friends with like interests, and to educate and inspire each other to lead richer, fuller lives.

I love promoting the vegetarian lifestyle, and am into personal growth and spirituality. I'm also a musican and big music fan, and especially like the classic rock and folkrock of '60s and '70s.

If you'd like to join me on FB, go to If that doesn't work, just go on Facebook and search for earthsaverdon.

Peace, Don Robertson

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