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VGN-Important Update Regarding Guest Speaker(s) from Video Game Industry

From: Joe
Sent on: Wednesday, March 3, 2010, 8:59 AM
Hi, I just wanted to update everyone involved with Video Game Network that the idea I sent out recently suggesting VGN bring out some people who are involved in video game development process for a forum/Q&A type of event looks like a go. I have two speakers so far who said they would come, and there were enough positive responses to the idea from VGN gamers who want something like this.

What I'm going to ask is for two things from those who want to attend this event. I'm looking at scheduling the event either 4/15 or 4/22, either way on a Thursday at around 7 or 7:30pm. I could do other days though, so I'm asking some of the people who seriously plan to attend whether Thursday is good. Also, come up with some questions related to game development or the interactive entertainment industry or whatever, and send them to me. I want to be able to give any speakers some talking points to start with, then allow the floor to be opened up for more questions that they didn't address initially. I'll be updating everyone as I get things finalized.


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