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Attn: Elements Class on Sunday! :)

From: Tala
Sent on: Monday, September 24, 2012, 9:22 PM
Hi everyone-

Our Connecting with the Elements class is finally here this Sunday!

Last year, everyone had an awesome time...

PLEASE, if you are NOT going to be able to come, please change your RSVP
ASAP, as there are people on the waiting list who would like to

I also need to have exact numbers, as we will be buying and making food
for the lunch break that day...

The lunch will be:

Home made Chicken Soup
Chicken, Turkey, Ham, Roast Beef & Cheese
(all natural)  platter/ sandwiches
Chips & Pickles
(if you have special dietary needs, please let me know prior to the

The cost for the class is $35 per person, and includes all paperwork,
lunch & dessert, and can be paid with cash or check the day of the

Please watch the weather, and dress accordiningly- Layering would be
good as it will be probably be cool in the morning, and get warmer in
the afternoon. Also please wear comfortable walking shoes, as we will be
going for a short (less than a mile) walk in the woods to a waterfall,
and possibly someplace else :)

If anyone has any questions, please dont hesitate to ask! :)

love, Robin