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Meetup Cancelled: Day Trip to Plimoth Plantation

From: Tala
Sent on: Tuesday, May 13, 2014, 8:14 PM

Day Trip to Plimoth Plantation, scheduled to occur on Saturday, May 24,[masked]:00 AM has been cancelled. Please update your plans accordingly.

Hi guys-

I decided to cancel this meet up for (2) reasons:

The first and foremost, because of lack of interest: there is only 4 people signed up, two of them being me and my mom-

Also, I think that it is suppose to rain on Saturday to boot-

I am trying to plan a meet up to replace it, and it is going to be an aura imaging meet up at Terrapin Traders in Gardner. I recently had mine done at the Dragonfly Shop that a friend of mine owns in Keene NH and not only was it awesome, but it was very, very affordable-

$25 for a full printed booklet and report on your aura and your chakras

and $15 just for your aura picture-

I am hoping to schedule it on a Sunday, either June 8th, or June 1st-

So if you are interested, watch the meet up for the posting! :)


Love, Tala



If you have further questions, you can email me through the Contact Us link on Meetup.