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Wrestlers needed for practice matches June 1-2

From: Peter H.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 12, 2015, 11:45 PM

On June 1 and 2 Hope will be hosting training sessions for several teams that are going to be wrestling abroad. Part of this will involve wrestling practice matches in freestyle. These are good college wrestlers. The sessions will take place from 5:30 to 7:00 each night.

On Monday, June 1 we will compete against a team heading to Mongolia in the following 7 weight classes: 55/60 kg, 66 kg, 74 kg (2 wrestlers), 84 kg, 96 kg and 96/120 kg. Afterwards there will be a pizza dinner at Dan Willis's place.

On Tuesday, June 2 we need 4 wrestlers to compete against a a team from St. Cloud State University, heading to Moldova. Their weights are 60 kg, 66 kg, 74 kg and 84 kg. Afterwards there will be a BBQ at Hope.

If you are interested in wrestling either or both days please let me know. Be prepared for some tough competition. We had similar matches last year and the touring wrestlers won most of them.

Peter Haag


[address removed]

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