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Perl Teitelbaum, Online Yiddish Teacher, on "The Yiddish Voice", 3/13/13

From: Mark D.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 13, 2013, 1:15 PM
Perl Teitelbaum, veteran foreign language instructor, native speaker of Yiddish, and singer, whose live Yiddish instruction is now available on the Internet, will be heard in an interview (in Yiddish) this week on "The Yiddish Voice" (WUNR 1600-AM, Boston) Wednesday, March 13, 2013, at 7:30 PM.  Perl (or Paula) Teitelbaum recently announced on the Jewish-Music mailing list that she has been teaching Yiddish in Google+ Hangouts since the fall of 2012. In the interview, she discusses her transition to the new technology and its advantages for teaching Yiddish.

The Yiddish Voice (Dos Yidishe Kol), Boston's weekly Yiddish-language radio show, is heard each week on WUNR 1600 AM from 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM and live-streamed on the Internet at For more information, visit, email [address removed], or call[masked].


Perl Teytlboym, Lerern fun Yidish af der Internets, bam "Yidishn Kol", dem 13 Marts 2013

Di vokh vet men hern an intervyu (af yidish) bam "Yidishn Kol" (radio-stantsye WUNR 1600 AM, Boston) mit Perl Teytlboym (Teitelbaum), langyorike shprakhn-lerern un a geboyrene yidish-redern un -zingern, vos hot letstns ongehoybn lernen yidish durkh der internets.  Perl hot anonsirt af a veb-buletin vegn yidisher muzik (Jewish-Music) az zi lernt shoyn yidish kibernetish zint harbst 2012.  In intervyu redt zi vegn di mayles fun der nayer tekhnologye un vegn dem protses fun ir ibergang dertsu.

"Dos yidishe kol" iz di vekhntlekhe bostoner yidishe radio-program vos vert transmitirt ale mitvokh 7:30-8:30 ovnt un eyntsaytik durkhn vebzaytl .  Khapt a kuk afn vebzaytl oder shtelt zikh in farbindung elektronish afn adres [address removed] oder telefonish mitn numer 617/[masked] nokh vayterdiker informatsye vegn der program.

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