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New Meetup: YP Underground at the Full Moon

From: Ted B.
Sent on: Saturday, September 5, 2009, 1:36 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Ann Arbor Young Professionals!

What: YP Underground at the Full Moon

When: September 23,[masked]:00 PM

Full Moon
207 S. Main St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Rebecca and Angela are organizing another YP Underground this month, so let's join them at the Full Moon (the former Monkey Bar). See below for their announcement. To join the YP Underground, go to facebook at:[masked]

See you there!

The YP Underground is an informal networking group for young(ish) professionals who live or work in the Ann Arbor area. We are not fighting for a cause, but are always looking for an excuse to get together for conversation. If you don't know what a YP is, or are looking for more information, please contact Rebecca ([address removed]) or Angela ([address removed]).

We?ll see you Wednesday, September 23rd at Full Moon (207 S. Main, in downtown Ann Arbor) starting at 5:00. Happy hour prices run from 5 ? 7 and include $1 off drafts. Hey, it might not be the cheapest, but at least Full Moon is smoke free.

Okay, we know its lame to announce this on Facebook, but maybe you can pass along the news to your non-facebook YP Underground friends:

One quick announcement, YP Underground will be weening itself from sending email, and moving toward announcing events only on Facebook. So if you?re one of the last hold outs to join the march toward e-social-ness, don?t panic. We can help you with privacy settings, and being a member of the YP Underground Facebook group eases the transition from faceless netizen to active Facebooker.

Rebecca and Angela

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