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New Meetup: TGIF Drinks and Dancing at Melange

From: Tony Z.
Sent on: Tuesday, March 16, 2010, 9:33 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Ann Arbor Young Professionals!

What: TGIF Drinks and Dancing at Melange
When: Friday, March 19,[masked]:00 PM

314 S Main St
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

The weather is warming up, and spring is well on its way. Even more importantly, it is the end yet another work week.

Meet us for drinks, mingling, great conversation, and maybe even some dancing this Friday, March 19th, at Melange Bistro and Wine Bar, located at 314 South Main Street in the Ace Deuce. The house DJ starts spinning at 10pm, so if you think that you are up for it, you can stick around and dance your butt off to a great mix of house and popular dance music. Make it hot... show us whatcha got!

See you there!

Learn more here: