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Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert (Lydia Davis translation)

Photo of Jacqui Linder
Hosted By
Jacqui L.
Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert (Lydia Davis translation)


"Madame Bovary" is a novel by Gustave Flaubert that tells the story of Emma Bovary, a young woman whose dreams of romance and luxury lead her to dissatisfaction with her mundane married life to Charles Bovary, a simple country doctor. Seeking escape through extravagant spending, adulterous affairs, and living beyond her means, Emma becomes increasingly disillusioned with the realities of her life, culminating in a tragic downfall marked by debt, betrayal, and despair. Flaubert's masterful exploration of the clash between romantic ideals and the constraints of society paints a detailed portrait of the human condition, highlighting the dangers of unattainable desires and the consequences of living in pursuit of illusions.

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