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What we’re about

12th House of Wild is all about building a bridge back to yourself, where we explore what we think we know, what we believe we “should” know, or what we have yet to discover that we’ve known all along.

Welcome to the 12th House of Wild! We are womxn who want to create impact and live meaningful, intentional lives tso that we leave this world a little better than the way we came into it.
We believe that starts from the inside out.

*Join the **free *12th House of Wild Substack to stay connected with members between gatherings, as well as learn about other held events, resources, and discussions.

We are coaches, creatives, writers, photographers, educators, mothers, entrepreneurs, side-hustlers, and 9-5ers alike.

We are open to discussions that challenge our mindset, limiting beliefs, and “that’s just the way it is” thinking.

We believe deeply that sustainable change is a community project, and each person has a role in it by owning their individual responsibility to themselves to explore and pursue what living in their highest alignment means to them.

I’m Cait, your host and fellow esoteric thinker, witchy sister, and self-proclaimed philomath. I use my passion for coaching alongside my degree in behavioral psychology to help people not only face their fear but embrace it so fully it becomes their courage. Using tools and techiniques I've applied for years to re-write old stories, habits, and patterns to reprogram your subconscious mind.

Once a month I’ll be leading the group through one of two different themed gatherings.

  1. Mastermind Group Discussion Q+A - this type of gathering will consist of an open floor discussion on a question or topic you’d like the support and minds of the collective to workshop with you. This can be done anonymously or not.
  2. Exploration Education - Internal Value Systems, Core Beliefs, Sustainable Habits + Routines, Self-Care, Mindfulness, Outcomes, Desires, The Four Motivations, and Fear are just some of the themes we will unravel through deep exploratory exercises utilizing art, movement, and/or journal writing.

Together, we aspire to catalyze a transformative shift, inviting sustainability into our lives through exploring what only you could unearth about yourself from within. Whether that means in relationships, your work, your environment, physical challenges, or overall well-being, we invite you to join us on this journey.

We are passionate about the power of coming together with like-minded womxn who center their lives around leaving this world better than they were brought into it and inspiring those around them to believe in themselves too.

I like to say, I'm just the ring-leader of the greatest circus in town because I get the honor of alchemizing this space with powerful womxn who are also creating massive impact through their highest calling. Want to get in on the magic?

Follow me on TikTok for weekly LIVE podcasts:

Join the free Substack Community for more events, resources, and expanded discussions:

*12th House is for womxn. This explicitly includes not only cis women, but also trans women and femme/feminine-identifying genderqueer and non-binary folks.
There is a zero tolerance policy for discrimination, hate-speech, or any other harmful or violent behavior. I, Cait Pearson, reserve the right to remove anyone from the group or any specific gathering without explanation if I feel it's for the greatest good of the integrity of the group.

Upcoming events (4+)

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