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What we’re about

This is a group for anyone interested in Augmented & Virtual Reality. All skills levels are welcome. I started this group because to meet other 3D vision and virtual reality enthusiasts . Looking forward to creating virtual worlds with fellow developers!


Respect and consideration for others are Top Priority; be considerate by refraining from being a NO SHOW (not showing after registering on Eventbrite) or a LATE CANCEL (cancelling out of an event within 24 hrs of the event).

Events take work for organisers to coordinate, especially those requiring RSVPs. Make sure you are able to make it to an event to which you RSVP and if you anticipate a conflict or being late, give us a heads up. We understand that things come up and life interferes, but please do your best. ;)

If you find that you can't make it to an event you've signed up for, cancel through Eventbrite as soon as possible, so that that other people can take your place. Events take time & energy to plan. If you don't show up AND make no effort to let the Event Planner know what happened, that's a NO SHOW.