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What we’re about

Greetings everyone, and a warm welcome to Book Club for Fun!
Over the past few years, I've developed a deep love for reading, finding solace and improved mental well-being in the simple act of sitting down with a good book. But why keep the joy of reading to myself when it can be shared and discussed with others? That's the inspiration behind creating this book club – a place where book enthusiasts can come together and connect.

What sets our book club apart is its laid-back and easygoing atmosphere. If you have any questions or simply want to chat about books, feel free to reach out. I'm excited about the prospect of meeting you at our next gathering. Don't forget to join our Facebook page, "Book Club for Fun," for updates and additional discussions.

I'm thrilled to announce that we've been fostering a love for reading for two years now. Our book club offers both in-person and virtual meetings, spanning across Orange County and Dutchess County, and we're excited to expand into Westchester. Please feel free to message me with any question. Happy reading!

Our Bookshelf
2/2022: It Ends with Us- Colleen Hoover
3/2022: The House in the Cerulean Sea- T.J Klune
4/2022: The Midnight Library- Matt Haig
5/2022: City of Girls- Elizabeth Gilbert
6/2022: Where the Crawdads Sing-Delia Owens
8/2022: The Paris Apartment- Lucy Foley
9/2022: The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue- V.E. Schwab
10/2022: The Last Housewife- Ashley Winstead
11/2022: A Man called Ove- Fredrik Backman
12/2022: Skipping Christmas: John Grisham
1/2023: The Secret French Recipes of Sophie Valroux's - Samantha Verant
2/2023: It Starts with US- Colleen Hoover
3/2023: Lessons in Chemistry: Bonnie Garmus
4/2023: Where'd You Go, Bernadette- Maria Semple
5/2023: The Measure- Nikki Erlick
6/2023: Remarkably Bright Creatures- Shelby Van Pelt
7/2023 Crying in H Mart- Michelle Zauner
8/2023: Before the Coffee Gets Cold- Toshikazu Kawaguchi
9/2023: The Simplicity of Cider- Amy E. Reichert
10/2023: Daisy Darker- Alice Feeney
11/2023 Big Swiss by Jen Beagin
12/2023 : In a Holidaze by Christina Lauren
1/2024: The Lives of Puppets by TJ Klune

Upcoming events (3)

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