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Elders' Guild this Sunday PM features End-of-Life Options

From: Cohousing Coaches Raines & B.
Sent on: Monday, July 9, 2018, 6:48 PM

The Elders' Guild presents:

For Just a Moment, Imagine a Time When Someone We Care About Could Be Suffering Terribly During the Final Weeks of Life ....

at the regular 3rd-Sunday meeting this Sunday, July 15

1:45 - 4 PM

North Berkeley Senior Center

Learn more and RSVP here:

Thalia DeWolf, RN, Clinical Coordinator for Bay Area End of Life Options, will join us to explain the practical details of the California End of Life Options Act and will answer questions about the full range of choices.

She and her medical colleagues have assisted at the bedsides of more than 90 medical aid in dying patients and they have counseled many others who have chosen not to seek medical aid in dying. A former hospice nurse, she will tell stories that inform on a deeper level about options that can shape the end of life for people and their families.

You are welcome to invite your friends, family members and colleagues to join us for this special gathering.

Elders’ Guild Stands on Three Foundations

Community.  Wisdom.  Championing the Future.

Please bring something "relatively healthy" to share and contribute generously to cover our meeting expenses.

---Each Elders’ Guild Meeting is a Celebration of Life that empowers the human spirit.
Please bring (relatively) healthy treats to share

We shmooze from 1:45 to 2:00 and begin at two Admission is free. Please be generous when we pass the basket to cover the cost of our room rental.

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