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Creative Futures 4 special invitation

From: Tanya L.
Sent on: Thursday, August 23, 2018, 6:42 PM
Hello All,

I may be stuck in bed thanks to chemotherapy but I’m delighted to still be part of Creative Futures 4. As members of Augmenting Reality Meetup you have a chance to attend this limited access event. So if you have an interest in fashion and technology this one’s for you!

Join @TigerHeartTech & @tanyalaird for ‘Creative Futures 4’ a discussion about the current relationship between #technology and the new #digitalconsumer. This will be held on Thursday 13th September 2018 at the @microsoft Reactor in London
Our guest speakers this season include:
@JanneBaetsen from @mindfashion_today
@LaralocaMazzoni from @Bodidotme
@vananne123 from @contentedbrothers
Gavin Williams from @quanderio
Viviane Paraschiv from Have FA/TE
Guest allocations for this event are very tight so please RSVP to [address removed] to secure your place
#creativefutures 4
#womenintechnology #startupfounder
#tech #technology #augmentedreality #ar #virtualreality #vr #artificialintelligence
#ai #hologram #london
#tigerheart #iot #automation #developer #programming
#innovation #development #coding #computers
@jingdaily #microsoftreactor

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