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Re: [Austin-Hardware-Startup] Who sources these guys?

From: Andre' L.
Sent on: Monday, August 8, 2016, 2:38 PM
A few things to do:

1. Send your pics to alibaba contacts, try searching on different items like plugs, blades, etc. and contact 25-50 wall wart vendors and ask for their sources. One good conversation can open up what you are looking for.

2. These parts can be made very easily, a lot of mechanical manufacturing firms can do this for you and simply manufacture them, the NRE and tooling would be $[masked] if that.

3. Contact John Voltin at Agile Technology, he can tell you some source, he has dealt with similar things, and or can design the custom blades for you if you need.

4. Contact McMaster Carr, search or call. The probably don't have these, but might know where to get them.

5. Call up digikey/mouser, they have mechanical connector specialists, they might have a few vendors on their line card that sell the blades, but I bet can give you a few sources of these kinds of connectors and mechanicals like I bet keystone might have these off the top of my head.

6. Call local power supply design companies like meanwell, they might have some intel.

Good luck!


On 8/8/2016 2:25 PM, Rich LeGrand wrote:
We're all familiar with those AC adapters (aka wall-warts).  We're making our own AC-powered circuit that sits inside a wall-wart(ish) enclosure.  I've been trying to find the male contacts "blades" that can be overmolded into the enclosure then soldered as shown below.  Does anyone know who might have these?  I've been searching on alibaba, etc.  

Based on my non-expert findings the ones below are nickel-plated steel.  Anyway, any info anyone has would be super appreciated.


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Charmed Labs

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