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Event Today!: New Talent Landscape Recruiting & Hiring Event

From: user 1.
Sent on: Thursday, October 13, 2011, 8:49 AM

Good Morning Everyone, 


Happy Thursday and we're excited to see many of you today at our Meetup Event in Santa Clara: New Talent Landscape: What lies ahead in 2011 and 2012. 


For those that would still like to RSVP and attend, you can still reserve a spot at:


For those attending, please make sure to keep your eye out for signage for Resources Global Professionals/SayHired-Saygent in order to be directed to the appropriate room. 


**If you are a Recruiter and planning to attend the event, and are looking to connect with potential candidates and have positions you'd like to fill, please email me as soon as possible prior to the event so we can introduce you and and make you visible to the candidate audience. Please email me with your name, company, industry focus, and what positions you have to fill. Hopefully this will gain you good traction on connecting with the right candidates to your industry. 


Thanks everyone, and see you tonight! 


James Banares
Director of Client Services
SayHired / Saygent
t: [masked] ext. 3
e: [address removed] e: [address removed] /

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