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The Salt.... and key supplements

From: Jillian L.
Sent on: Sunday, March 2, 2014, 6:51 PM

Dr. T is coming to town and I am going to be ordering a mass order of the sulfur rich Himalayan Salt from Nepal in time for his visit.  This salt, unless cooked, tastes just like an egg!  Sulfur is one of the most important elements for our health and longevity. It plays a crucial role in the activities of many enzymes, in the structural strength of hair, skin, gums, and joints, and in the processes of cellular repair and regeneration.

I will be hosting a potluck and movie night some time before Dr. T arrives at the end of April and the salt can be picked up at that time.  Please let me know if you are interested in having me order some for you and saving on shipping.  The cost is $15 a jar.  All the proceeds from this raw salt sustain the Everest Learning Academy of Nepal, a non-profit network of rural schools, child care centers, and orphanages that nurture Nepal from child trafficking, slavery, and prostitution.

You can learn more at:!himalayan-salt/cysb

That said... if you want to place your own order for the salt and other dietary supplements Dr. T recommended in his lecture on supplements you can use my account at Nutri-Dyn for the recommended GNP certified products.  Order instructions are below.

In his past lecture on supplements Dr T recommended the following supplements from Nutri-Dyn:

Homocysteine/Balanced B-Complex Formula

Glycogenics is an advanced balanced B-complex formula that features a blend of B vitamins and complementary nutrients.
•Promotes healthy homocysteine metabolism, energy levels, and a healthy stress response.
•Supports normal growth and development.

Ultra Potent-C® 1000

1,000 mg of Buffered Vitamin C

Ultra Potent-C 1000 is an exclusive, patented formula that is designed to enhance the utilization of Vitamin C. 
•Provides valuable antioxidant protection.
•Supports the production of collagen and connective tissue.
•Supports immune function by helping to promote natural killer cell and white blood cell activity as compared to simple ascorbic acid.
•Features a unique metabolite support system designed to enhance utilization.
•Buffered to help prevent potential stomach

Micellized D3™ Water-Soluble Vitamin D3

Micellized D3™ is a natural form of Vitamin D provided in a water-soluble micellized form. The micellization process produces tiny droplets (micelles) that are then formed into highly absorbable aggregate structures. Micellization greatly increases the solubility, absorption and bioavailability of our vitamin D3 over oil or emulsified forms.

You will need to follow these procedures to make a purchase.

STEP 1: Call this number  [masked]

Tell Nutri-Dyn that you would like to set up a patient account under my account number and name  - after your account is set up then you can purchase directly through the site. Use my health practitioner account number below to set up your own patient account.HEALTH PRACTITIONER: Jillian Love Account #703028 
STEP 3: Place your own Order directly through the site at

I do hope to see some of you at REGENERATE... the incredible one day full moon mountain retreat on March 16th.

Wishing you good health.




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