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Change of Venue for the Nov 27 Meeting

From: David R.
Sent on: Saturday, November 23, 2013, 12:32 PM

Bend Arduino Group Members:

Due to the proximity to Thanksgiving Day we do not have the usual meeting place available for the meeting on the 27th. I have made arrangements to use the meeting room at the Starbucks on 3rd across from Fred Meyer. The meeting will be at the usual 6 PM time.

This will be a special meeting for newcomers to the group. You may have noticed we have had a surge of new members so I am organizing a series of introductory classes for the new members similar to what we presented last spring. The meeting on the 27th will help our new members get setup with Arduino and we will discuss arrangement for the the forthcoming series of new classes. This set of beginner sessions will be separate from our usual bi-weekly meetings and will take place at TechSpace, 141 Greenwood, Suite 100 and will be limited to ten participants due to the limited space available for the 'hands-on' lab work. This new series will begin in early December and a schedule will be announced next week.

Anyone interested in this introduction to Arduino program should either attend the meeting on the 27th or email me to indicate interest. We may have to run this series twice to accommodate everyone.

David Robson


Bend Arduino Group

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