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Sleep Measurements

From: Ken S.
Sent on: Thursday, May 10, 2012, 5:17 AM
I was trying to build a simple model for sleep measurements. Interested to hear if anyone has any thoughts on this. Are there any industry reference models? What about those of you who track your own sleep? What's important to you? Here's a simple model that I came up with. My idea was that there are certain "core measurements" that don't require any special kit and are relatively easy to capture time/effort wise. The supplemental measures could be estimated/guestimated without kit but start to benefit from some sort of sensor technology (accelerometer/movement, heart rate, EEG, etc.). By the time you get to the Advanced Measurement category you are almost certainly going to want sensors and/or software to achieve any sort of accuracy. 

Please send me your thoughts and I'll make sure I come back to this group with some sort of follow-up. 

Ken Snyder
[address removed]

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