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Yes! There is figure drawing tomorrow night!

From: Gretel Meys C.
Sent on: Monday, January 5, 2015, 9:57 AM

Happy New Year to all!

After our time off for the Holidays, I hope you are ready to jump back into your drawing discipline with renewed vigor, determination, and inspiration! We have Dorayn coming to model for us this Tuesday, so I hope you will be there. I am assembling a list of upcoming models, with some of our favorites and some new faces. I'll send out an email with a more exact schedule, but after the wonderful Dorayn I am happy to announce that Toni is finally returning to model for us! For those who have never worked with her, I have to tell you she is a fabulous model.

So I hope to see you tomorrow at SCIART, Bldg. E., 6:30 - 9:30. And as usual, tasty beverages and munchies are always welcome!


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