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What we’re about

Are you an Entrepreneur, Professional, or Opportunity Seeker looking to network with people that have the following qualities:




    Desires to make a positive difference

    Genuinely cares about others

    A motivated person

Then you've found your group!

Let's build and grow our business together while building meaningful relationships.

This group is open to all walks of life (that fits the qualities above). Everyday People looking for quality professionals and businesses or Professionals and Business Owners looking to grow their business - are all welcome.

We will also learn strategies and tips for professional and personal development.

Additionally, we will share ideas, get inspired, make new friends, and HAVE FUN!

"Dream BIG, Make it Happen!", Ty Lim

"People First, Profit Later", Ty Lim

"The Quality Of Our Life Is Dependent On The Quantity Of Our Quality Relationships", Ty Lim