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Need Female Players for league play!

From: Mike R.
Sent on: Sunday, September 13, 2015, 12:17 PM

Hello players!

We need help filling a couple of spots for our current soft sand volleyball leagues at El Potrero (Glendale).

These are on fully formed teams, but have lost a player and need someone to take their roster spot.

The cost to join any of these teams is just $10 (and this includes at least 5 more regular season matches and the tournament).

We need two female players for our recreational coed 6's league.
These are fun teams that need one more player to round out their roster. 

We need one female (intermediate or better skill level) for a intermediate coed 4's league on Thursday nights.
This is a lower intermediate team that needs a strong female player.

Games start at 6 PM and run every 50 minutes.

If you are interested at all - please e-mail me at [address removed] or call or text me at[masked].

