What we’re about
This group is set up for learning and discussing anything related to an intersection of Philosophy and Computer Science.
We aim to engage participants in a group conversation to explore a wide range of topics including Complexity Theory, Systems Thinking, Computability, Emergence, Physics, Analytical Philosophy, Economy ...and the rest is just engineering what means we are also interested in searching the space of open-source projects, models and computational experiments.
List of topics discussed so far with links to presentations:
07 • Language models and power laws by Łukasz Dębowski of Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences. The presentation was preceded by introduction by Marcin Stepien with some quotations and findings on language models from Łukasz's book.
06 • Information as a physical entity, entropy and life - With Radosław A. Kycia. Landauer's principle, Galois connections and bits of Category Theory. Also some inspiration from Paul Davies "The Demon in the Machine"
05 • Zero-knowledge proofs - With Ariel Gabizon. Examples, from interactive to non-interactive, elliptic curves, homomorphic encryption, Zero-knowledge contingent payment.
04 • Natural born algorithms - Digital Philosophy. Turing complete cellular automatons. Seth Lloyd's Universe as a computer.
03 • Computing Chaitin's Omega - Algorithmic Information Theory vs principle of sufficient reason
02 • Limits of AI. The Gödelian argument - Incompleteness theorems, Penrose's examples, Aaronson's classification
01 • Randomness from determinism - cellular automaton, S. Wolfram's rule 30, pseudo randomness
00 • Inspiration for the group - inspiration, audience, format, rules, possible topics
The group is inspired by activity of Santa Fe Institute but is not an official SFI event.