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This Week's Gathering...

From: Donna S.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 12, 2013, 9:42 AM


Hello All...

Another week...

of vibration...

of letting go, of that which no longer serves us...

Thank you all for creating a Community in which we all feel connected...

How wonderfully blessed we are...  :  )

So many messages this week...

But I have only chosen one...

The intention was "Happiness"...

The message:

In the understanding...

Of Ourselves...

Comes the...

Mastery of the Universe...

Our totem was a "Tiger" which puts special emphasis on raw feelings and emotions and symbolizes primal instincts, unpredictability, and the ability to trust ourselves..

By affinity with this spirit animal, we may enjoy dealing with life matters spontaneously, trusting our intuition and acting fast when needed...

This week...

"Pay It Forward"

Smile at someone...

Hug many times...

and extend a helping hand...

By doing so...

You will create a beautiful vortex around them and yourself...

Consciously raising the vibration of the planet...

Creating a beautiful ripple effect...

As Always...

Much Love, Love, Love to you...




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