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Re: [spanish-22] 2013 Letter to Members

From: Mack James N.
Sent on: Friday, December 27, 2013, 6:56 PM
Hello Robert:
I just signed on to this meet up and unfortunately the hours and location do not work. I notice you would like someone to host one on in the Lakewood area. I am a novice Spanish speaker and need to learn more. I travel in Latin America to teach English but feel out of the loop since I can not fluently speak Spanish. I could host a group on weekends at a local coffee shop. I live by the Belmar Mall and that is a pretty good location. I would be willing to donate a fair amount toward the fee as well. Let me know if this can work and if we should move forward. Thanks for the opportunity and have a happy new year. 



On Thursday, December 19,[masked]:14 PM, Robert <[address removed]> wrote:
Hola a todos,
It's been about three months since I've taken over as Organizer of the group. I'd like to thank all the people that have helped out  (Co-Organizers, Event Organizers and Event Hosts) for their service and all the members who attend the meetups.  It has been a great year. I'd like to address a few things that are important for the meetup group.
In the coming year I'd like to have some meetups in areas where there aren't any. Currently most meetups are in the central Denver area with a few others scattered about. There are none north of the city and only a few down south in the Aurora area and west towards Lakewood. If you would like to host a meetup, please contact me and I can help you with it. It's pretty easy and you can try it one time to see how it goes, then we can go from there.
A few of the current meetups in public venues don't have Event Hosts. It is important to have someone in charge who can meet and greet attendees and make sure everything runs smoothly. Nothing is more frustrating than going to a meetup and nobody is there or you aren't sure where the group is sitting. If you'd like to host an existing meetup, let me know.
February is when we need to renew our membership. Meetup central in New York charges $144 per year, so I will be sending out a letter asking for small donations in the next month. If we fall short I will go ahead and pay out of pocket to make sure the group continues.
If you have any questions or suggestions, I’d love to hear from you. Have a safe New Year.
Denver Free Spanish Network-Spanish Language Meetup

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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 | [address removed]

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