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Games and Groups

From: Jason
Sent on: Thursday, October 11, 2007, 9:57 AM
Hello out there to all you. If you have a group going, We would love to help you get it posted on the calendar. If you DON'T have a group but would like to run one and need players. Just send my self, Jon or Carl a e-mail detailing what, when and where you play. Any system, doesn't matter. If you don't need new members thats great and glade to hear it, we can just list your game as full. If you need players, we might be able to help you out with that. By posting new games we'll get more interest from none member and get some of are group members a chance to get into a game on a day or in a system that they'd like to play. It will cost you nothing, the work on your part is not large at all. The hard work will be done by us. The more stuff we can get posted the more people will come by to check it out and maybe more people to play in all the games that we all love. Hope to get some new games posted soon and thank you for your time.


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