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Bolder Boulder 2009

From: Shelby
Sent on: Monday, April 20, 2009, 6:33 PM
Hello everyone!

I'm wanting to gauge interest in setting up a team for the Bolder Boulder ( on Memorial Day - May 25, 2009. I know a lot of people are planning to run, and I think it would be fun to set up a team (or a couple of teams if enough people are interested) and a meetup around the race.

If we were to do teams, we have a couple of options: groups of 6-8 in the open division or groups of 4 in the running club division. You can scroll down for more information on team registration here:

Joining a team does not mean you are required to run with your teammates. It just means that your times will be ranked against other teams. It does not have to be competitive at all - just fun. I would submit all paperwork/payments (after they are submitted to me, of course) and then we'll go from there.

I've set up a poll which I will keep open until the end of the week. Please vote when you get a chance (even if you are not interested in the idea):

Based on the results of the poll, I will post a meetup which will have a more structured RSVP setup than usual, due to deadlines/planning/money/etc.

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me. I'd like to post more races in the future and adding the team element would be all the more fun!


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