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Invitation to #FFF - Fashion Funding Forum

From: Marina A.
Sent on: Thursday, February 21, 2013, 3:31 PM

For more details, see the full listing:

When: Wednesday, February 27,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Google Campus,


Fashion startups have always found it difficult to raise external funding and in today’s challenging financial climate, it is even harder to raise money through the usual channels particularly if you are a new startup without a track record. Luckily, there are much more exciting sources out there available for you to fund your brand new fashion technology idea.

To celebrate London Fashion Week 2013 we are hosting #FFF - The Fashion Funding Forum! Join us in Google Campus for an exciting panel discussion with leading fashion startups and funding sources. You'll leave with a knowledge of the latest ways to fund your fashion project.


6.30pm Networking

7.30pm Introduction and Keynote Speech

8.00pm Panel Discussion

9pm Drinks and Networking


Ceci Joannou (BRAND+COMMERCIAL @ceci_joannou or by email, at [address removed])

Ceci is a commercial strategist, writer and speaker, whose work centres on helping both emerging and established fashion companies and fashion tech start-ups address and overcome the challenges inherent in commercialising fashion, and implement effective solutions to improve bottom-line results.


Muriel Dupas (Founder of AudaCity)

Muriel has a strong financial and consulting background. She has co-founded the Fashion and Technology Lab in Paris which focuses on the investment readiness of fashion entrepreneurs, in collaboration with some French business angel networks. Muriel Dupas is the founder of AudaCity of Fashion, an innovative crowdfunding platform dedicated to fashion businesses, with exciting and exclusive features to foster interactions and collaborations within an engaged community. AudaCity of Fashion is launching Spring 2013.

Colin Coghlan (Angel Investor)

Colin Coghlan is a successful private investor, advisor and public speaker specialising in early stage and rapid growth business. Colin is also a qualified Mentor for Warwick Business School and Tech City and a non executive director of a number of companies. His sector background covers energy, mobile and telecoms with a successful exit as CEO of a broadcast business and two businesses in the fashion sector.

Paul Dowling (CEO and Founder of Dreamstake)

Paul is the founder of Dreamstake, an online platform for digital and creative startups. He has a long association with the startup scene and a keen interest in fashion. Paul will join the panel to bring his experience of launching technology startups and accessing new forms of funding. Paul has an MBA and Dreamstake is his third startup.

Jonathan Heaton (Founder of Jeanography)

Jon has co-founded multiple startups in Finance, Construction, Wine and more recently in Fashion.  At Jeanography, his current venture, they are trying to change the way premium Jeans are bought online.  They are expecting to close £250K in March through 3 angel investors and a government backed fund.

Jim Cruickshank (Founder of Style Pilot)

Jim is an entrepreneur with over 15 years of experience building consumer Internet companies. His current venture is Style Pilot, a men's fashion search engine, dedicated to helping guys improve their style. Style Pilot is funded by angel investors.

Rachel Cosford (Lecturer at London College of Fashion, Founder of Connected Generation, @RachelCosford )

Rachel Cosford has 15 years fashion industry experience ranging from Alexander McQueen to Monsoon/Accessorize. After spending just over 3 years working in Buying for Topshop Head Office she left to start her own online fashion business Connected Generation. She currently works as a lecturer in Fashion Buying and Branding at London College of Fashion and her research interests include examining the effects of the internet on fashion.


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