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Re: [East-Bay-L-E-A-P-S] Getting frustrated, anyone have ideas?

From: Andrew
Sent on: Sunday, August 14, 2016, 2:43 PM
Sure. Putting seeds or grains or nuts in water overnight releases their inherent nutrients that are otherwise "bound up" and not absorbable by the body. Ancient cultures understood this and practiced soaking and sprouting. Soaking is putting them in water, for 8 hours or so. Sprouting is putting them in water for 8 hours or so, then letting them sit in a jar and they will start to grow roots, or sprouts, naturally - becasue they are turning into a plant, and are therefore edible. Do this with every nut, seed, and grain you eat - although for now I'd avoid grains til your tummy heals a bit. Even grains that are sprouted apparently can be unkind to a digestive system that needs to heal from abx, wrongly cooked and processed grains, GMO's, etc that have been being digested for a lifetime.

Soaking: put them in a jar in water on your counter for 8 hours then do whatever you want with them.
Sprouting: Soak then allow to sit without water for another day. They'll have sprouts!

Which is the best method? Depends on who you are. I'm thin and a bit weak so I avoid sprouts becasue they're very cleansing. So soaking is enough for me. Someone heartier who is more robust would have no prob with sprouts!

On Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 2:33 PM, jodie appell <[address removed]> wrote:
Andrew, can you explain  the procedure for sprouting grains?
And nuts?  Do you mean you put walnuts in water?  wouldn't they
be awful, soft and sort of rotten?  Would be so helpful if you could
actually explain the procedures. People talk about sprouting a lot
but never explain it.  Thanks so much in advance.
On Sun, 8/14/16, Andrew <> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [East-Bay-L-E-A-P-S] Getting frustrated, anyone have ideas?
 Date: Sunday, August 14, 2016, 2:22 PM

 Most likely
 your gut/immune system is compromised. This is why the
 problems are here in the first place -and one of the reasons
 the gut is compromised is because we've eaten grains
 without soaking or sprouting them our whole lives, so they
 tumble around like rocks in our stomach unfortunately. For
 awhile, if you eat bone broth, meat, chicken, sauerkraut,
 green veggies, and stay away from grains - you should see a
 gradual reduction in symptoms over time. Also, nuts and
 seeds need to be sprouted or soaked. Otherwise they beat up
 the stomach too. Diet is a huge part; wish I'd known it
 earlier. Good luck!

 On Sat, Aug 13, 2016
 at 8:27 PM, Angela Arthur <>

 Dear Christine, 
 You need to find the right doctor. Find a doctor
 who treats "empirically". That's the code word
 for a doctor who will treat based in symptoms and
 doesn't need to see a positive Lyme test. The other
 thing to ask or find out is whether or not that doctor sees
 Lyme as a " clinical" diagnosis.
 I'm not up on who is pracitcing in the Bay
 Area right now, but others on this list can probably point
 you in their direction.
 Don't discount naturopaths and nurse
 practitioners. They are some extremely good ones who are
 doing good work w Lyme.
 The two practitoners I know of off the top of my
 head that might be worth looking into are Mischa Greider in
 SF (I don't know if he needs a + lyme test or not), and
 Jake Wardwell, who practices at a couple different places in
 the city.
 Forget about it being covered by
 insurance. Depending on your plan, You might be able to get
 partial reimbursement.

 I'm so sorry and keep us
 PS: there are 2 other things that
 might coukd be causing your
 --heavy metals from dental  work.
 Do you have a lot of dental work? Sometimes the combo of
 metals and positioning in a persons head can even cause a
 "battery" effect where they're basically being
 --Mold exposure + some other
 compounding factor (Lyme, dental,
 Don't give up!! And if
 you're feeling disxouraged, go watch Under Our Skin.
 You're not alone....
 On Saturday, August 13, 2016, Joe <East-Bay-L-E-A-P-S-list@> wrote:
 Hi Christine,
 We all on this list sympathize intensely with
 you. You are not alone.
 I believe I have lyme & babesia, though like
 you, I have tested negative for nearly everything (lyme
 western blot, spinal tap, mri, emg, etc.). I tested low for
 Vit D3, (which Im told most adults over 35 are low) &
 thats about it. One test that I highly recommend is the
 CD-57. Ive heard different ranges, my doc says anything
 below 250 signifies lyme disease, mine was 48. Mainstream
 medicine says anything below 60 is significant but really
 they ignore the CD-57. Basically CD-57 is a small piece of
 our immune system. If its low, it signifies that portion of
 our immune system is tired out from fighting an unknown
 infection.  If you test positive, at least you know you are
 fighting an infection & have been for
 Regarding your diet, very good, my recommendation
 is to cut out the potatoes & rice. :(
 Good luck & God Bless, stay tuned with us
 & keep us posted.
 On Aug 13, 2016, at
 1:02 PM, Christine <East-Bay-L-E-A-P-S-list@meetu>

 Sorry for the long email, I'm really
 struggling right now and looking to see if anyone has had
 similar experiences and if you were able to find a solution.
 I've been trying to get a diagnosis for 4
 years now and have come up negative on EVERYTHING. I've
 been told by several doctors that they suspect I have Lyme
 or MS but all tests come back perfect. I've had tons of
 blood work, multiple MRI, spinal tap and EMG. I've kept
 my symptoms in check with a healthy diet, light exercise and
 herbal medicine, but lately I've been getting worse and
 my doctors have told me there is nothing they can do. They
 just give me prescription strength Ibuprofen and tell me to
 keep working as long as possible and do more physical
 therapy (I can probably teach physical therapy myself at
 this point).
 All the symptoms are on my right side; pain,
 weakness, tight muscles, my foot gets cold and blue, brain
 zaps, touching becomes painful, fatigue, etc. I'm sure
 you get the picture. In addition I have extremely quick
 reflexes according to my doctors. Exercise is difficult for
 me as it triggers pain attacks 90% of the time so I have to
 be VERY careful with what I do. I use to dance, hike camp
 and go horseback riding so this has been the most difficult
 thing for me to adjust to. I'm also in the 2% of the
 population that has a 'paradoxical' reaction to
 medications meaning I can't tolerate a majority of
 medicines which makes it hard to treat me with western
 I don't remember ever being bit by a tick or
 seeing any sign of being bit by a tick. I have been bit by
 lots of mosquitoes as they seem to think I am delicious. I
 swell up very badly from mosquito bites so I know when one
 has bit me.
 I do 15-30 min physical therapy a day as
 tolerated, take a daily hour walk as tolerated, meditate,
 qui gong, and I'm still working (an accomplishment in
 itself). I even went vegan for several months but it
 didn't seem to make a difference for me so I went back
 to eating small amounts of meat (<4 oz per day). I
 basically eat paleo + rice and potatoes. I get worse if I
 eat sugar, gluten or processed foods so I avoid them like
 the plague. I take ibuprofen, voltaren gel, effexor and
 amitriptyline for pain and muscle tension. I use essential
 oils and herbs to help me sleep, reduce pain and reduce
 Has anyone had an experience like this? Did you
 ever get a diagnosis? What, if anything, helped you? I'm
 also looking for recommendations for doctors that may be
 helpful or tests that I should look into. I've tried
 everything I can think of and am out of options at this
 point. Any advice is appreciated.
 Thank you, Christine


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