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Spanish meetup tomorrow - El Patio

From: Laurie
Sent on: Monday, November 10, 2014, 9:17 AM

Hola a todos,

Nuestra próxima reunión será mañana (martes) en El Patio a las 6:30. Por favor RSVP en nuestro sitio web si van a acompañarnos.

Neither Mari nor I will be at tomorrow's meetup, but Craig has agreed to host this time, and our usual group of our nice & friendly members will be there too!

I was told recently that we no longer have to make reservations at El Patio unless we have a group of 20 or more people. This means it would be helpful if the first person to arrive had an idea of how many members to expect so you can tell the El Patio staff how many tables to put together for us.  So... if possible, check our website before you arrive at the restaurant to find out how many people RSVP'd.

Hasta la proxima vez,