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What is a Christian and Why I am One. Saturday, 6:00 PM

From: Charles P.
Sent on: Sunday, December 13, 2015, 6:48 AM

College of Complexes, weekly free speech forum

Every Saturday at 6:00 PM
Dappers East Restaurant
2901 W. Addison (3600 north, between California and Kedzie)
CTA Bus Routes 52, 82, 152, L Addison Stop on Blue, Brown, Red Lines
$3 Tuition, dinner optional, all meetings open to the public

Main Page
December 19
What is a Christian? Why I am One, and Why I Plan to Celebrate Christmas
December 26
Closed - No Program

January 2
Closed - No Program

January 9
A Forecast for the Next 100 Years
geopolitical prognostications, based upon evidence from various sources - included will be the role of the US and the world situation

January 16
Venezuela:  Report from a Trip There During Their Elections, US Interference, and the Economic Situation
Stanfield Smith was a member of a delegation from the US, photos 

January 23
How Capitalism Was Built in the USA
Was It by ambitious people with some good ideas and money to invest, or was it built on slavery, war, and brutality? - based on text "Empire of Cotton"

January 30
Was Malthus Correct?
An inquiry into current Malthusian statements in today's media, and an examination of demographic trends.

February 6
Classical Economics:   What It is, and Why It Still Provides the Best Foundation for Understanding Our Economy
The talk will focus on the three titans of Political Economy:  Smith, RIcardo, and Marx

February 13
Smart Phones: Are We Becoming Zombies or Truly Connecting with Each Other?

February 20
Incumbency vs Diversity
Why do we deep electing the same incompetent people to office over and over?

February 27
Good and Bad in Karl Popper
Chicago-based Libertarian author David Ramsay Steele

March 5
Election Program in Progress, Primary to be Held on March 15th

March 12
Rob Sherman, Candidate for the US Congress, 5th District IL
Illinois Green Party

March 19
The New Imperialism of Globalized Monopoly Financed Capital

March 26
Agent Orange and Dioxin
Author Liane Casten talks about her new book

April 2
The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy and the False Hope of the Presidency
Historian Ted Aranda will argue that the liberal Left's continual efforts to elect a populist/progressive president are futile

April 9, 16 (Seeking Eco Speaker for Earth Month Series)
Contract the Program Coordinator if you would like to speak at (312)[masked], (312)[masked] cell, or [address removed]

April 23 - Earth Day Speaker
Contrasting Ecological Worldviews of the Neo-Malthusians vs Cornucopians
Are the Earth's Resources Finite, or Are There No Limits to Growth?
Dennis Nelson

April 30 - Earth Day Speaker
Climate Change:  How Much Time is Left Before It Takes Effect + Some Things We Must Do
Andy Anderson, NW Information Service

May 7
Teaching to Hearts & Minds
Distinguished Professor of Humanities, Louis Silverstein, PhD, Columbia College Chicago

May 14
Chicago Chapter Veterans for Peace
"Education Not Militarization"
Author Rory Fanning, Ex-Army Ranger  

May 21, 28
Contract the Program Coordinator if you would like to speak at (312)[masked], (312)[masked] cell, or [address removed]

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