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Reliable maid is looking for a work

From: Pavel S.
Sent on: Saturday, July 21, 2012, 3:40 PM

Dear friends. I am taking the opportunity to spread a word about very good maid who is looking for a new employer.

If you or your friends are looking for a domestic worker, I know Tina - very good maid from Philippine. She worked for a long time with a Canadian Polish family that I know, raising two small kids. When the family returned to Canada they couldn't part with Tina, so they took her to Canada.

Unfortunately, northern climate, homesickness and Canadian laws were against it, so after half a  year she returned back to Singapore. Now she is looking for a new employer. I cannot hire her, but I want to help her to find a good family. You can have a letter of recommendation from the previous family, they were very happy with Tina.

Please, let me know if someone of you or your neighbors/frends are looking for a helper.

Think fast, she won't wait long.


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