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'Python 3: The Next Generation' talk by Wesley Chun (Aug 12)

From: Bill K.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 12, 2009, 1:19 PM
This might be of interest to python App Engine developers...

When: Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Topic: Python 3: The Next Generation
Speaker: Wesley Chun
Time: 6:30pm doors open
7:00pm meeting begins
Where: Symantec
VCAFE building
350 Ellis Street (near E. Middlefield Road)
Mountain View, CA 94043
Map: <>
Directions: VCAFE is accessible from the semicircular courtyard between Symantec buildings <>
Cost: Free
More Info: <>

The long awaited sequel to Wesley's ACCU talk from June 2000, "Python for Beginners", is about the evolution of Python. Wesley will discuss Python 2 and Python 3: what the compatibility issues are, why Python is (barely) changing from 2 to 3, and what the main differences are. Finally, Wesley plans to conclude with an intro to Python 2.6 and other migration tools.

For those who want to read ahead, Wesley recommends his article from March 2009 "Python 3: The Evolution of a Programming Language", which can be found online at

Wesley J. Chun, MSCS, is the author of Prentice Hall's best-selling Core series book, "Core Python Programming", its video training course, "Python Fundamentals" (LiveLessons DVD), co-author of "Python Web Development with Django" , and has also written various technical articles for Linux Journal and cNet. He is currently a senior engineer at a Silicon Valley startup and also runs CyberWeb, a consulting business specializing in Python software engineering and technical training. He has over 25 years of programming, teaching, and writing experience, including more than a decade of Python. While at Yahoo!, he helped create Yahoo! Mail and Yahoo! People Search using Python. He holds degrees in Computer Science, Mathematics, and Music from the University of California.

Meetings are open to the public and are free of charge.

---- Upcoming ACCU talks -----

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Ali Cehreli
"An Introduction to the D Programming Language"


The ACCU meets monthly. Meetings are always open to the public and are free of charge. To suggest topics and speakers please email Walter Vannini via [address removed]

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