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Practical Website Skills - Saturday, November 18th

Photo of Kelsey Siqveland
Hosted By
Kelsey S. and Diorelle G.


This class will cover web forms in greater detail and show you how to use a minor script to process them. We will also cover real-life website skills like targeting site visitors, sitemaps, wireframes & overall design. We will learn about practical information like search engines, search engine optimization, analytics, domain names & hosting and FTP. At the end, we will spend a decent amount of time working through client labs and creating websites for our assigned clients with the assistance of our instructor and TA's.


This class will be offered on Saturday, November 18th from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM (5.5 hours for instructor-led class time and a 30 minute break for lunch).


We are honored to have Tessa Kriesel, an Agency & Community Engineer at Pantheon, teach our class. She has a degree in web development and has 11 years of experience under her belt.


• Working knowledge of HTML document setup, HTML elements like divs and content-type elements such as headers, links, tables, etc.

• Basic experience styling webpages with CSS.

If you've taken the "Intro to Website Building with HTML" and "Intro to Website Styling with CSS" classes offered by Girl Develop It, you are absolutely prepared for this course.


  1. Have Atom (, Sublime Text (, or Visual Studio Code ( downloaded and installed on your computer. These are all free text editors that we'll be using to write code during class. Any of the three will do, so feel free to pick your preference!

  2. Have Google Chrome ( or Mozilla Firefox ( downloaded and installed on your computer. These web browsers are how we'll be viewing the webpages we're creating. Once again, either will do, so feel free to pick your preference!

**Questions on either of these steps? Feel free to send us an email or come 15-20 minutes early and we can help you get set up.


• Laptop & Charger (Windows, Mac, and Linux are all fine - we'll have Wi-Fi and power-strips available)

Don't own a laptop? No problem! GDI has a few extra laptops on hand, just e-mail Kelsey at to request one for this class.

• Suggested Resource: This class - as well as our "Intro to Website Building with HTML" and "Practical Web Skills" classes - follow a book by Jon Duckett - HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites ( Our instructor cannot recommended enough as a supplemental resource to these classes, though it is certainly not required.


Thank you to our sponsor, Horizontal Integration (, for hosting our class and providing lunch!


Lot surface parking is available on the west side of the West End Plaza building off of Parkdale Drive. Attendees should enter the west entrance of the building.

There will be a group greeting guests in the lobby to bring everyone up to the 2nd floor.


Thank you to our sponsor, Horizontal Integration, for providing our lunch. Class meals provided are usually something affordable for feeding a large group, like pizza. We will offer both vegetarian and meat based options. If you any dietary restrictions such as gluten free, dairy free, vegan, etc., please be sure to bring your own lunch.


A limited number of scholarships are available for those with a financial hardship. To apply, click here ( Scholarship applicants will be notified a week before the class begins. Class capacity does not impact scholarship students.


We're here to help! If you have additional questions or would like to talk further before signing up for a class, please contact Kelsey at

NOTE: We will be communicating with you about this class via the email address you have in Please make sure you check the email address you use for Meetup regularly.


Refunds will be provided only if the class is cancelled. Please take a look at our refund policy and procedure at


Girl Develop It exists to provide affordable, judgement-free opportunities for adult women to learn web and software development. Please help support our mission by reviewing our Code of Conduct (

To learn more about our Minneapolis chapter, visit .

Photo of Girl Develop It Minneapolis group
Girl Develop It Minneapolis
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Horizontal Integration
1660 Highway 100 South, Suite 200 · Minneapolis, MN