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Additional Resources: Learning to Code Online & in SF

From: Pamela
Sent on: Tuesday, May 1, 2012, 1:23 PM

Heyaz everyone (again) -

Most of you joined because you're trying to learn to code, and I wanted to make sure you know about the many ways you can learn to code outside of Girl Develop It.

First, there are a few other groups that teach coding classes in SF (many of which that are targeted at women). Links here:

Second, there are also many ways to learn to code online, from watching university lectures to doing interactive tutorials. Links here:

Let me know if I'm missing any resources, and if you've utilized any of them yourself, I'd love to hear your experience with them.

Oh, and reminder: there are still 7 spots left for the upcoming Intro to JS class:

Sorry for spamming your inboxes today, carry on. :)

- pamela

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