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GIG Meeting Providence Portland Medical Center Social Room 1st floor


July: Gluten-Free JEOPARDY Game! Test your gluten-free trivia and win prizes. Lots of fun, laughter and improve your knowledge of all things GF!

Snacks this month: Rise Buddy baked rice snacks in 2 flavors: sea salt and sour cream 'n onion (100% GF) and Biena Chickpea Snacks in 3 flavors: sea salt, barbeque and cinnamon crunch.

No need to RSVP.

The current location is:

Providence Portland Medical Center is on the corner of NE 47th and Glisan. Enter via NE 48th off of Glisan. Enter the parking garage and park on the 2nd floor. Walk across the glass pedestrian bridge over the grass. If you find yourself walking over a street, that's a different bridge to the wrong building. The hospital is to the west of the parking garage.

Then once in the hospital, just take a left and we're in the large social room on the main floor straight ahead.

Meetings are free and are open to anyone who eats gluten-free or who wants to know more about eating gluten-free. That might include people withe celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, DH (dermatitis herpetiformis), autoimmune diseases, people on grain-free diets such as SCD, Paleo, GAPS, AIP, SIBO-Specific Food Guide.

We often have speakers, and you'll have a chance to introduce yourself and participate, or you can just come and hang out and watch. Whatever is comfortable for you. Friends and family welcome.

For updates on our schedule please refer to our Facebook page.

We have meetings every month except December when we go out to eat. November is a gluten-free potluck with turkey, ham and you bring all the sides and dessert.

Photo of Gluten Free PDX group
Gluten Free PDX
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Providence Portland Med Center
4805 Ne Glisan St · Portland, OR