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February 28th (Sat) Meetup Details Now Set - Urban Chickens

From: Everett S
Sent on: Friday, February 6, 2009, 4:34 PM
We've finally settled on a topic, activity and location for the next meetup: Getting Started With Backyard Chickens.

The President of the Colorado Poultry Association (and expert coop builder) will be there to talk to us about raising chickens.

For those who already have experience, we'd love to have you come and share. I enjoy hearing about the crazy things chickens get themselves into and some of the innovative solutions their owners have come up with.

Hope to see you there!

PS: If our order goes through we're getting two Rhode Island Reds and Two Barred Plymouth Rocks. My wife will be happy to know (via this email) that we're going with chicks instead of pullets. ;-)