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Green Making Group Meetings from Meetup for This Week

From: Rich W.
Sent on: Sunday, July 20, 2014, 9:30 PM

Dear Green Making Subscriber:

This compact list gives you all coming events for the green making community. To keep messages to a minimum we have turned off automatic messages for Meetup and just post this one message each week. Thank you for being part of the Green Making community.

Wait, there’s more! The Green Making website has more than just events. Get your green building resources from

And now, on to the events!

Current Event Listing

This list covers the Silicon Valley Area. To get the latest, please go to to see the full set of meetings and get information about them.

San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, CA Metropolitan Area

Palo Alto Green Drinks

Wednesday 23 July 2014, 5:30 to 7:30 pm
MacArthur Park, 27 University Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301

Palo Alto Green Drinks is a venue for networking with business people on topics of sustainability. Bring your business cards and information about you and your company to share with others. Takes place on the 4th Wednesday.

Free, buy your own drinks. Sponsored by Sustainovation and Net Impact.

RSVP at Net Impact or click the link for more information.

Note: is not affiliated with the sponsors, speakers or producers of this event. This announcement is a courtesy for our members.


Thursday 24 July 2014, 6:00 to 8:00 pm
Private Home in Portola Valley CA 94028 Directions given upon ticket purchase.

Paul Holland & Linda Yates aimed to build the greenest custom home in its class, to demonstrate what is possible and inspire others to follow suit. In building their home, Tah.Mah.Lah, they have created an outstanding home and cultural model, and AIA SCV invites you to visit on this tour.

Price: $10. Discounts and fees may apply. Sponsored by American Institute of Architects Santa Clara Valley Emerging Professionals and Committee on the Environment.

Please buy a ticket at Eventbrite. For more info, visit:

Note: is not affiliated with the sponsors, speakers or producers of this event. This announcement is a courtesy for our members.

Whole House Remodeling and Additions

Saturday 26 July 2014, 9:30 to 11:30 am
Harrell Remodeling, Inc, 1954 Old Middlefield Way, Mountain View CA 94043

Silicon Valley’s Ultimate Remodeling and Design Workshop Series. Most classes are held at the award–winning Harrell Remodeling Design Center. Taught by industry experts, our class line up is intended to share our experience and knowledge of the remodeling process and provide you with the educational tools you need to get started on your way to a successful remodeling experience.

Please register at the sponsor, Harrell Remodeling.

Note: is not affiliated with the sponsors, speakers or producers of this event. This announcement is a courtesy for our members.

Worm Composting Basics

Saturday 26 July 2014, 10:00 am to Noon
Cubberley Community Center, Room H-1, 4000 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, CA 94301

Come and learn how easy it is to compost your kitchen scraps. Worms will eat your kitchen scraps and create a nutrient rich soil amendment for indoor and outdoor plants. This is a no fuss, no smell and low maintenance way to compost.

Free, please register. Sponsored by County of Santa Clara.

Register at Santa Clara

Note: is not affiliated with the sponsors, speakers or producers of this event. This announcement is a courtesy for our members.

Networking at the Big Basin Cafe

Thursday 31 July 2014, 8:00 to 9:30 am
Big Basin Cafe, 14471 Big Basin Way Ste A, Saratoga, CA 95070

Meet EcoGreen Group members for open networking in the morning at an organic coffee shop. We share a keen interest in making positive contributions to a more sustainable future through technologies, practices, and industries in the local and global community. Members are business and technical professionals that come from a wide variety of professions and industries.

Free. Sponsored by EcoGreen Group of Silicon Valley.

Visit sponsor for more information or to RSVP.

Note: is not affiliated with the sponsors, speakers or producers of this event. This announcement is a courtesy for our members.

Tour of the Stanford Medical Center Architecture

Wednesday 6 August 2014, 2:00 to 3:00 pm
Tour of the Stanford Medical Center Architecture

Walking Tour of the Stanford University Medical Center Architecture

This architectural history walking tour of the School of Medicine traces the school's history from 1850s San Francisco to present-day Palo Alto, and highlights some of the artistic and design choices that have resulted in the school's current built environment. Tours begin at the flagpole between the Stanford Hospital entrance and the fountains.

Tour guided by Drew Bourn, PhD, MLIS, MTS.

Free. Sponsored by Lane Medical Library at Stanford.

Please RSVP at Lane Medical Library or click the link for more information.

Note: is not affiliated with the sponsors, speakers or producers of this event. This announcement is a courtesy for our members.

Outdoor Lighting: Changing the Conversation

Tuesday 12 August 2014, 5:30 to 8:00 pm
Santa Clara Gateway, 5451 Great America Parkway, Santa Clara, CA 95054

The default for illuminance, measured footcandles, can be the bane of lighting designers. It is a major challenge to reconcile appropriate outdoor illumination levels with client expectations. One size does not fit all. What we see is reflected light, so intensity, glare, color rendering, contrast and adaptation play the pivotal roles in the visual experience. This seminar will present the latest guidance and technology that leave participants armed to evaluate outdoor lighting for future projects.

Presenter: Rick Utting, Director of Lighting at Landscape Forms.

Price: $20. Discounts and fees may apply. Sponsored by USGBC SV.

Purchase tickets at USGBC or click the link for more information.

Note: is not affiliated with the sponsors, speakers or producers of this event. This announcement is a courtesy for our members.

San Francisco-Oakland-Fremont, CA Metropolitan Area

Toxic Hot Seat - Flame Retardant Documentary

Wednesday 23 July 2014, 5:30 to 8:30 pm
David Brower Center, 2150 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA 94704

Join us for a screening of the HBO documentary, "Toxic Hot Seat," which follows a courageous group of firefighters and mothers, journalists and scientists, politicians and activists as they fight to expose a campaign of deception that left a toxic legacy in our homes and bodies - a campaign that's taken nearly 40 years to unravel.

Price: $10. Discounts and fees may apply. Sponsored by International Interior Design Association.

Visit USGBC for more information or to buy tickets.

Note: is not affiliated with the sponsors, speakers or producers of this event. This announcement is a courtesy for our members.

Air Sealing Without Canned Foam

Sunday 27 July 2014, 3:00 pm to 6:30 pm
Pyramid Alehouse, 901 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA 94710

PHCA's monthly meeting will feature a 45-minute presentation by Terry Nordbye. 4:30 will be the start of a two hour in depth, hands-on class by Terry on air sealing for those who have registered. The extended ‘post-presentation’ workshop is ideal for anyone in design and construction, including architects, consultants, owners and contractors.

Price: $60 for meeting, class and intro. Discounts and fees may apply. Sponsored by Passive House CA.

Register at Eventbrite.You must be pre-registered there to attend the extended workshop.

Note: is not affiliated with the sponsors, speakers or producers of this event. This announcement is a courtesy for our members.

Santa Rosa-Petaluma, CA Metropolitan Area

Straw Bale - The Natural Way to Zero Energy

Wednesday 13 August 2014, 4:30 to 7:30 pm
Home in progress, 781 Dufranc Avenue, Sebastopol CA 95472

Join the USGBC-REC for an evening of presentations followed by a panel discussion with experts on straw bale construction and energy consumption. This event will be hosted inside a straw bale house under construction which will form the basis of the discussion. Food and drink will be provided.

Speakers: Bruce King, Structural Engineer; David Arkin, Architect, CASBA Chair; Darryl Berlin, Straw Bale Builder; Steven Sheldon, Architect, USGBC-REC Chair; Michael Jacob, Straw Bale Building Contractor; Katy Hollbacher, Certified Passive House Consultant.

Price: $24. Discounts and fees may apply. Sponsored by USGBC Redwood Empire, Environmental Building Network, California Straw Bale Association.

Visit USGBC for more information or to buy tickets.

Note: is not affiliated with the sponsors, speakers or producers of this event. This announcement is a courtesy for our members.


You support building green homes in the Bay Area by your participation.

You can find video clips by Green Making and others on our website or by going directly to our Green Making Presents channel on YouTube. 

Note: Most meeting announcements are not sponsored directly by Green Making. This means the RSVP list for the meeting does not generally reflect attendance at those meetings. (And, regrettably, I can’t personally attend, even when listed.) Where possible, we post links within each announcement to a web page for that meeting. Please click through and contact the organizers to RSVP and to find out about attendance or any other aspect of the meeting, including the latest pricing.

If you have a business, please contact us for information or go to our website and click on the “Sponsor Green Making” link.

Thanks for being a member!

Rich Wingerter


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