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Re: [HoustonPhotowalks] Merry Christmas, and an eBook Bonus! :)

From: Mary B.
Sent on: Thursday, December 29, 2016, 12:51 PM
Many thanks Joe,  Hope to participate in lots of photowalks this year.
Happy New Year, see next year.
Mary Berna
Quoting Joe Lippeatt <[address removed]>:

> I hope everyone is having a wonderful Christmas Holiday this year with lots
> of picture taking.  It was great getting to rub elbows with many of you on
> Christmas during our Downtown photowalk, hope you guys had a good time too.
> I give my ebooks away free to folks who attend a photography class.  And I
> make the ebooks available for about $9 to anyone else interested.
> To help get your 2017 started off right, I have bundled all 7 of my eBooks
> into one, and marked it down to *99 cents for the entire lot!*  The bundle
> will be available at this price until January 2nd.  I also added a copy of
> the Houston Transient and Graffiti map, and the Photographer's Packing
> Checklist for those planning trips in 2017.  This ebook bundle includes the
> new Workflow Part 1 - Security and Backups title.  If creating a safe
> backup strategy is on your list for 2017 to-do items, this ebook will give
> you a serious head-start on that project.
> You can download the full bundle at
> Here's a list of the ebooks, all of them in one package for less than a
> buck:
>    1. A Photographer's Workflow Part 1 - Security and Backups
>    2. Camera 101 For Everyone (12 Things Part 1)
>    3. Techniques and Composition (12 Things Part 2)
>    4. Creating Texture Photographs
>    5. Demystifying How to Buy A DSLR Lens
>    6. Introduction to Low Light Photography
>    7. Photography White Balance
>    1. Photography Packing List
>    2. Houston Transient Art and Graffiti - 75 Mapped Locations
> Thanks for hanging in with us for our 7th year of Photowalking, and keep an
> eye out for lots more cool stuff in 2017!
> The Best,
> Joe, Marty and Alex

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